Saturday, July 02, 2005


This is going to be a diary of my trip across America. I leave on Monday, July 4th, an interesting date to arrive on, and I'll be there for six weeks. I'm travelling on my own using Greyhound buses, and I plan to go
New York--> Washington-->Nashville-->Memphis-->New Orleans--> Dunno really-->San Francisco--> Seattle-->Vancouver
Then I don't know, and I'm sure it will change, but for now I'll stick with it.

For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm 18, male, British/Italian, I live in London where I've just finished secondary school, and am off to Edinburgh University in the Autumn. I have a wide variety of musical, literary and cinematic tastes, but I'm not really going to go into that because this is a diary of my journey, not of me. I'll try to footnote any pop culture references which are obscure.

I don't have a laptop, so I'll probably be writing this on paper then updating it in big chunks when I find an Internet cafe/youth hostel with access. Obviously some places will be easier than others. I also hope to include photos.

I guess thats it for now, next time I update I'll be in New York.