Finally, internet access...
I'm in New Orleans, I've had real trouble finding internet cafes down south, even now I'm in the Loyola University library. It's only a brief use terminal so there are no chairs, and the space bar keeps jamming, so this won't be a long post.
Nashville was a bit of a shithole, but the Country Music Hall of Fame was pretty interesting, Memphis was good, especially Sun Studios and the Rock and Soul Museum. New Orleans is pretty horrible in the touristy area, though in the dodgier area where the locals go I saw a very good band last night.
I will go into more detail when I find a proper internet cafe, or at least somewhere with a decent keyboard.
I hate you so much my face hurts.
You touch small children u flipping sicko
I have a big one
Hows robot wars going you complete horse sucking gimp go suck off a horse
James Dale
Forget to tell u , u suck marbles.........big ones
i have pictures
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